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Chinese translation for "mercury compound"


Related Translations:
mercury accumulation:  汞积累汞蓄积
mercury storage:  汞储存器汞存储器水银存储器
mercury arseniate:  砷酸汞
mercury isotope:  汞同位素
mercury cracking:  汞致晶界腐蚀开裂
mercury mineral:  汞矿物
mercury oxide:  汞氧化物氧化汞氧化亚汞
mercury sulfate:  硫酸汞
mercury spacecraft:  水星航天器
mercury datum:  水星大地基准
Example Sentences:
1.Mercury poisoning : harmful effects of mercury compounds
2.It can exist in three forms , including elemental metallic mercury , inorganic mercury compounds and organic mercury compounds
3.Workplace air - determination of mercury and inorganic mercury compounds - method by cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry or atomic fluorescence spectrometry
4.Inorganic mercury compounds take the form of mercury salts , which are generally in white powder or crystals , with the exception of mercuric sulfide cinnabar which is red
5.Workplace air - determination of mercury and inorganic mercury compounds - method by cold - vapour atomic absorption spectrometry or atomic fluorescence spectrometry
6.Microorganisms can convert inorganic mercury into organic mercury compounds , such as methylmercury which is the most common organic form of mercury found in the environment
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